Feedback I’ve Received

I do karate for the national Scotland squad and had to overcome a major injury which left me to get two surgeries. I really struggled to get back to top level sport. Tracy has really helped me to get my positive mental attitude again. I feel more confident now, more motivated and I have found ways to overcome my injury get rid of all the negative thoughts. Tracy has helped me to set and achieve new goals and I have realised what aspects of my sports are important to me and what aspects I am good at and what ones I need to develop further. Tracy has helped me to stop focussing on the bigger goal and help me set smaller goals to keep my motivation levels. I have learned new strategies to help me overcome my pain from the injury and feel more confident in my abilities. I would like to thank Tracy very much for all her help and support and look forward to continuing to work with her.
Lisa Cairns – Karate Player
Tracy presented a fantastic presentation titled 'Tackling Stress and Anxiety'  for my patients as part of our Monthly Wellness Seminars that we run for our patients. Tracy has a great presence and makes a very serious topic interesting and gives tips that are applicable straight away.  It turned out to be a busy workshop. Tracy created an environment where people felt comfortable to get involved asking questions and contributing to the workshop. I would definitely recommend Tracy to businesses and individuals wanting to learn more and learn valuable tools to tackling personal stress,  stress in the workplace as well as in sport.
Arleen Scholten DC (Doctor of Chiropractic) – Chiropractic 1st

Tracy has been working with the Women’s Team at Hutchison Vale for 4 months now. The impact the sessions have had on both the individuals and team as a whole have been astounding and have far exceeded my expectations from when Tracy and I first discussed the idea. Tracy’s ability to be able to engage with players on a one to one level and as a group are excellent and they have really embraced this new method of coaching. The team has come together and bonded through these sessions and the benefits on the pitch are clear to see, not only through results but in areas such as teamwork, self confidence and positive thinking. All these areas have benefited every player and taken their game to an improved level which has contributed to better team performances which was one of our aims this season. We look forward to this feature becoming a regular component in our training routine.
Ian McDonald – Head Coach of Hutchison Vale Women’s Team

Tracy worked with and coached my daughter Caroline when Tracy lived in Norfolk VA while attending Old Dominion University. Tracy's knowledge and dedication to the game of soccer inspired these very young players to develop the skills necessary to play the sport at a much higher level than they thought themselves capable. My daughter, and so many other other young ladies continue to strive for excellence, both on and off the athletic field, as a result of those values instilled by Coach Tracy. We miss you Coach Tracy ! Scotland has regained a true national treasure that we here in the States were fortunate enough to share for a short while.
Everyone from the Hampton Roads Strikers (formerly know as Athletic Club of Norfolk) sends a big "we miss you" to Coach Tracy.
Edward Fiorella – Athletic Club Norfolk

Tracy provides personal and specific techniques that work best for me. I have come a long way since having one on one psychology sessions with Tracy. She took time to listen and understand all aspects of my life and figured out ways that different techniques could work best for me. For example, rather than writing and reading long passages, she uses audio e.g. voice recordings and music and short sharp quotes that help motivate me. I always feel better for the next few weeks following our meetings. I am fitter, enjoying life more, happier in my personal life and looking forward to a bright future.
Scottish National Team Footballer

I play for Hutchison Vale Ladies Football Club and Tracy's psychology sessions were not only a big part of our preseason training and but are an existing part of our current training regime. Her early group sessions were excellent since they allowed us to identify our strengths and weakness and she worked with us on goal setting and visualisation. Personally I feel more positive about what I can achieve and I feel that the team has become more relaxed and confident about what they can achieve too. Tracy creates a relaxed environment allowing us to share our thoughts and ideas.
Laura Gavin – Hutchison Vale Football Player

I would like to thank you on behalf of my son for the sessions that you did recently with the under 12 Hutchy team. He found them really useful particularly the goal setting session and the agility and speed sessions. The goal setting has really made him look at setting both short and long term goals and focused him on how he can work to try to achieve these. The speed/agility sessions were good also,the boys are all so competitive and it would be really useful to do again at some point in the future to see if they have improved. Watching the boys play recently there definitely seem to working better as a team and communicating and celebrating well together which is good to see and I am sure this will bode well for them in the future, particularly next year in their first competitive season. Many thanks again and hopefully you can do some more work with them in the future.
Parent of Football Player – Hutchison Vale FC
Impact: Students

What Youth Athletes Are Saying
"I enjoyed the group practical session were had to perform or complete little tasks. The psychology sessions with Tracy helped me with gaining the confidence to speak up and give my opinions. Helped me address areas in my game and personal life that were both good and bad and ways to hello them or progress them. Improved my confidence of socialising in a large group."
"I learned how to deal with mistakes, how to stay positive and not get angry and about self talk and how it affects you. I enjoyed that I didn't feel embarrassed about sharing things. It could be improved by having more of them. Tracy was really good and straight away I felt confident around her."
"I think it's [performance psychology block] the best thing we have aver done it is sooooo good and you learn so much I learnt stuff that I didn't think you would need to know for football I wish there was more than 9 weeks of it thought I think I could do with a couple of more weeks but over all really really good."

What Coaches Are Saying
We had Tracy work with the group of boys we are currently coaching at football and found her input with the boys to be extremely helpful, also on a personal note I attended one of the positive coaching classes Tracy had put on for Hutchison Vale which was very helpful to myself in my own coaching role.
Fabulous workshop [confidence and motivation workshop for coaches]. I enjoyed meeting the group of like minded people. Tracy communicated the information and topic very effectively.
This workshop taught me how to deal with players emotions better, how to prepare players better and things to improve in my own coaching performance.
Tracy kept my attention so I was able to remember what was said. I enjoyed being in a group environment were everyone wanted to be there and were interested. I was happy with it all. A good mornings course well worth attending
Great goal setting ideas for individuals and teams. I learned about identifying individual traits. Relaxed, informal, informative in a language I could understand.
Excellent course. Not over powered with jargon and will be able to use in all aspects of coaching and life. Thanks